Wednesday, December 31, 2008 changing wardrobe!

Kita manusia sering perkatakan akan " aku nak berubah", tapi perubahan yang berlaku hanya tinggal kata-kata. Suatu pertemuan berlangsung di satu tempat tidak jauh dari Ibukota...kiranya kita panggil pinggir kota, tempat yg dipanggil brape x ingat laks... 1 pertemuan yg akan mengorak langkah ke arah merealisasikan 1 changing wardrobe. Perrgh..macam poyo lak..."welcome to the @%*^. Pertemuan pertama kali berlaku di langat...mengingati kembali perkenalan pertama, bercerita kisah2 yg dilalui.




Kepada semua blogger SELAMAT TAHUN BARU. Semoga Azam dan Impian akan tercapai! Kasih sayang tidak seharusnya di abaikan.
Kekayaan dan kesenangan akan diperolehi apabila nilai kasih sayang diutamakan.

p/s: Buat zari semoga cepat sembuh dan bertaubatlah, pintu taubat masih terbuka, kalau nak taubat la...kalau xnak pandai2lah...


Happy 2 money

Feeling happy now is the fastest way to bring money into your life. The only thing you need to do is feel good now.

Friday, December 26, 2008 you?

Simple question...


Really, think about it. Do you really want to be happy? Do you deserve to be happy? Are you doing everything in your power to be happy?

Or do you think happiness is something for the wealthy, the good-looking, royalty, and the spiritually advanced?

Well, guess again. I have developed the perfect way for you to be happy. It's called Gratitude-Bliss Meditation.

But first, If you think happiness is not for you then stop reading this report right now. You might not be ready for this powerful technique. But if you are ready for happiness, then read on.

Being Happy

From the beginning of human history we have been searching for happiness. Most of our daily functions and overall desires all revolve around "being happy." Being satisfied is a key goal in our current "materialistic society."

But something that the spiritually advanced noticed quickly was that everything material is impermanent. Like beauty fades, and youth withers away, so does everything material. So happiness cannot depend on the material.

So as this revelation was made clearer, many ancient traditions focused on the opposite, the spiritual. And thus, if you begin studying ancient texts and modern sciences, you'll notice their complexity. The more you learn the more you get confused. Eventually, the main goal, happiness (or personal contentment), is lost in the haze.

Some, the very adept, are able to reach that state of pure happiness through spiritual ascension, via ascetic practices. Going on retreat to the middle of nowhere and living in a monastery devoid of life's simple pleasures, does not seem like a practical option for a normal human being living in the 21st Century. For us, the normal human beings, spiritual ascension is a goal we might want but not at the expense of "living life to the fullest."

For most of us, our time is our most precious commodity. We love to live life in the moment and we enjoy life more when we are in action. We like doing, evolving, learning, interacting, being, moving; this is who we are.

Sitting in a room quietly for thirty minutes, then thrusting yourself into this hectic city-world and thinking everything is going to be perfect is not a realistic view of life. Plus, with bills, spouses, bosses, coworkers, offspring, and other obstacles, one needs a "real world" approach to this fast-paced life.

So we come to this statement:

More important than spiritual ascension is personal contentment.

Only with personal contentment can you ascend spiritually. Personal contentment does not mean material or sensory satisfaction. Personal contentment means to be truly happy with yourself right here and now.

From this state of personal contentment EVERYTHING is possible. Personal contentment brings peace of mind. That's why I have developed Gratitude-Bliss Meditation (GBM). Based on ancient philosophies and good old common sense, GBM is the perfect solution for 21st Century fast-paced life.

This technique will put you in a state of contentment, guaranteed. Just like 1 + 1 = 2, following these instructions cannot fail.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is one of the most powerful emotions a human being can experience. It alone can put you in a state of Bliss (contentment). A grateful mind is a content mind. A grateful mind needs nothing. When you are in a state of Gratitude, peace and overall contentment follows.

So from this we can say that...

Gratitude = contentment = True Happiness (Bliss)

Another key point about gratitude is that when FOCUSED, it becomes an extremely powerful energy source that releases Bliss at any time. So with the power of GBM you can turn a bad moment into a great one!

Shall your lives be filled with Gratitude, Joy, and Bliss!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


The Law of Attraction is always working, whether you believe in it or understand it or not. "so take a deep breath and think about it".


You can have, do, or became anything you want.